Omniscient – You know everything. You know Moses and Your Word. You know the past and the future. You know this people will arise and play the harlot with the strange gods of the land and that they will forsake You and break Your covenant which You have made with them. Aren’t I the same as them? Won’t I forsake You the same way? You know You will be angry with me as well. To hide Your face is the worst. You know me. You know my heart and my mind. You are all-knowing.
Omnipotent- You can do anything. You will cross ahead of Israel; You destroy nations. You deliver the nations up before Israel. You are the one who goes with Israel. You will not fail Israel or forsake Israel. You are the one who goes ahead of them; You will be with Israel. You take Moses’ life and You commission Joshua. You appeared in the tent in a pillar of cloud, and the pillar of cloud stood at the doorway of the tent. You know the future and You tell it to Moses. You forsake who You want. You hide Your face from who You want. You write the song. You make me understand if You just wanted to. You are all-powerful.
Omnipresent – You are everywhere. You are among the nations and in the midst of Israel. You are in the land which you swore to Israel. You are in the heavens and on the earth. You are in Your WORD. You are in my heart and in my mind. You are here with me. You are all-present.
Eternal – You are the cause of time. You are when and then. You are today. You cause 120 years. You are at the end of every seven years and the Feast of Booths. You are as long as I live. You are in that day, and the same day. You are in the latter days. You are now. You are time.
Immutable – You do not change. Moses (The WORD, Jesus) went and spoke these words to all Israel. Moses (The WORD, Jesus) wrote this law and gave it to the priests the sons of Levi who carried the Ark of the Covenant of You, and to all the elders of Israel. Moses (The WORD, Jesus) and Joshua went and presented themselves at the tent of meeting. They will say in that day, ‘Is it not because our God is not among us that these evils have come upon us?’ Moses (The WORD, Jesus) wrote this song the same day, and taught it to the sons of Israel. At that time Moses WAS THE WORD OF GOD, YOUR WORD. The WORD became flesh and that was JESUS. You do not change. You will never be made to change.
Self – Existent – You exist by Yourself. You will exist even when Moses does not, even when Your creation does not. You choose. You decide. You make up Moses’ existence and Joshua’s existence. You make up Israel’s existence and Your Word’s existence. You make up my existence. You choose who lives and who dies. You make up my existence. It is Your creation who needs You in order to exist.
Self-Sufficient – You do not need any of Your creation to bring about Your will or Your purpose. You choose to use Moses and Joshua and Israel and Your WORD and me because it is Your good pleasure, not Your need, that governs Your choice.
Infinite – There are no limits or bounds to Your person or dominion. There are no limits to the evils and troubles that have come upon them. There are no limits to their descendants. You are limitless.
Transcendent – You are apart from Your creation. You teach me about You. You teach me how Moses and Your Words gives Your people encouragement. You teach me how Moses wrote down all Your Words. You teach me how You commissioned Joshua. You teach me what will happen in the future. You told Moses to pt Your law in a book and to put it into the ark of the covenant. You specifically say ‘until they were complete’. Why do You say that? What does it say of me if I am reading and diligently studying Your Word? Am I truly listening? What does my heart really say? You teach me the words of Your song. What does ‘until they were complete’ mean? Why can’t I understand? Why am I here My LORD? Aren’t I a waste of time? What does this teach me about You My LORD? What do I know? What do I learn about Your character, about Your power, and about Your ways? Who am I My LORD? You teach me about Yourself. Thank You My LORD.
Sovereign – You don’t let Moses cross the Jordan. You commission Joshua. You tell Moses what will happen. You have him tell Israel what You have said and what they will do. You make up a song. You are in complete control and You are doing Your foreknown plan!
Holy – You are a morally excellent, perfect being. You separate me by Your truth through your Son for Your purpose. You go with me. You go ahead of me. Israel is separated for Your purpose. Moses and Joshua are separated for Your purpose.
Gracious – You show Your favor giving them the law, by having Moses write this law and giving it to the priests to carry it around. Your Word is writing Your law upon my heart and in my mind to carry it around with me.
Merciful – You show Your compassion by having the priests read this law in front of all Israel in their hearing.
Righteous – You are always right. You teach me the right way. Having Moses and Joshua go and present themselves at the tent of meeting is Your way.
Longsuffering - You are patient with Your people and slow to anger. You tell Moses what will happen and have Moses tell the people.
Just – You punish the unrighteous, atone for sin, and reward the righteous who listen to You and obey You.
Loving – You love Your people and You take care of them. You give them what they need.
Good – You give them land to possess and Your attention. You give Your people a part of Yourself.
Wise – You tell Moses what Israel will do and what You will do to Israel. Your wisdom is greater than my wisdom. Your thoughts are greater than my thoughts. I do not understand.
Truthful – You tell Moses the future of Israel. You have Your WORD speak to me. Your truth is reality. You tell me what You are willing to do.
Faithful – You always do what You promise. You will do what You say. You will not break Your covenant. Faith is not knowing that You can do what You say, but that You will do what You say. You will do what You have promised.
Wrathful - You destroy all unrighteousness. Your anger will be kindled against them in that day, and You will forsake them and hide Your face from them, and they shall be consumed and many evils and troubles shall come upon them.
Jealous – You will not share Your people, Moses, or Joshua, or Your Word or me, who are rightly and morally Yours with any other creature.
Incomprehensible – What is Your Word? Is is flesh. Jesus came in the flesh. Is Your Word cursed? Can He cross the Jordan with the rest of Israel? Who is He now? Flesh? Spirit? Lev 10:7; Deut 5:5; Josh 24:26; 1 Sam 9:27; 2 Chr 6:17; Job 16:3; Ps 19:14; Ps 119;105; Prov 15:1; 30:5; is 5:24; 29:11; Jer 23:28; Dan 12:; Matt 4:4; 7:24; Mark 4:14; John 1:1; 1:14; 6:68; 8:31; Acts 13:48; Rom 8:26; 10:17; 1 Cor 1:18; Gal 5:14; Eph 4:29; 1 Tim 4:5; 2 Tim 2:15; Titus 1:9; Heb 4:12; James 1:22; 1 Pet 2:2; 1 John 1:1; Rev 19:13
· Standing between the Lord and you at that time
· Moses was the Word, Joshua, Your Word and Samuel, Your WORD
· Jesus, Your Son is Your WORD
· Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.
· Every word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.
· Man shall not live on bread alone, but one very word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
· The sower sows the word.
· In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
· And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.
· If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine.
· How is Your Word the power of God?
· For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
· How do I become a doer of the word?
· And He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood; and His name is called The WORD of God.
· Moses is Your Word. Your Word does command me. Moses does not treat You as holy so he shall not cross this Jordan. Is Your Son Moses or did You just make Him like him? Are they only parallel in one aspect or all aspects? Moses is not like You, but Jesus is in Your image. Why are You willing to cross ahead of Israel? Why do You say it three times over and over again? Why did You choose Joshua? How is he different from everyone else?
· How do I be strong and courageous? How do I remember? How do I put it into my heart? Why do You say You will not fail them or forsake them? You do eventually forsake them.
· Why do You have Israel only heart every seven years? How do they put it into their hearts? How do they not forget? Why could they not read it for themselves? I did not remember that men, women, and children went to the Feast of Booths; I thought it was only men. How do I remember the difference?
· How do I hear and lean and fear You My God and is careful to observe all the words of this law? Why do You repeat it? Why do You repeat things?
· Why do you appear in the tent in a pillar of cloud, and the pillar of cloud stood at the doorway of the tent? Why is that? Why do you do that?
· Why do You tell Moses he is about to die? Why do You tell him all that You do? Is that merciful? Is it compassionate? Do You have feeling? Why do You tell Moses in verse 6 You will not forsake them and then in verse 17 You will forsake them and hide Your face from the? Why would You tell an old, dying man that? Does Moses understand why he will not cross the Jordan? Do I understand?
· Why do You ask a double negative question? Isn’t it the same question as asking ‘Is it because God is among us that these evils have come upon us?’ My LORD please know my heart and my mind. Is it because You are among us that these evils have come upon us? Why My LORD? You anger is kindled against us and You have forsaken Your people and You do hide Your face from them. It is not in my heart, but I see it and hear about it.
· You do hide Your face from me because of all the evil I do. I do not even know what I am doing. I am so stupid.
· Why are they not consumed? Why are they not dead? Why would Your song be a witness? How is something like a song a witness for You against the sons of Israel? Why would You bring them into the land flowing with milk and honey when You know they will spurn You and forsake You? You know they will yet You let them continue, why? Why do You let them spun You and forsake You?
· How do You know their intent which they are developing? Why would You address Joshua the way that You do, especially after Moses said the same thing?
· Why is it confusing between You and Moses?
· How do You know rebellion and stubbornness? Is it You or is it Moses who know their rebellion and stubbornness? What does it mean? What am I supposed to learn? What do I learn about You?