Omniscient – You know everything. You know when a man marries someone and what will happen. You know about all indecency. You know who loves whom. You know every circumstance and why You have Your commandments that You do. You know when a man takes a new wife and You give them bonding time. You know kidnappings and the infection of leprosy. You know about loans and pledges and about oppression. You know man perverts justice and You know about the alien and the orphan and the widow. You know me. You know my heart and my mind. You are all-knowing.
Omnipotent- You can do anything. You put it into a man’s heart to find indecency in a woman. You put indecency in her heart. You make her leave and become another man’s wife. You say who goes out with the camp and who stays home for one year. You make pledges and loans. You cause the infection of leprosy. You teach me and make me remember. You lead me. You make me understand if You just wanted to. You are all-powerful.
Omnipresent – You are everywhere. You are in a house and on the way and in the land. You are in town and in Egypt and in the midst of Israel. You are in Your WORD. You are here with me. You are in my heart and in my mind. You are all-present.
Eternal – You are the cause of time. You are when. You are one year. You are when the son goes down and at sunset. You are then and now. You are time.
Immutable – You do not change. I shall purge the evil from among me. As Moses/Jesus/You have commanded Israel, so I shall be careful to do. I shall give him his wages on his day before the sunsets, for he is poor and sets his heart on it; so that he may not cry against me to You and it becomes sin in me. You will never be made to change.
Self – Existent – You exist by Yourself. You will exist even when Your creations does not. You choose. You decide. You make up a man and his wife. You make up the divorce certificate. You make up kidnappings. You make up leprosy’s existence. You make up a loan’s existence. You make up a pledge’s existence. You make up sin’s existence. You make up the harvest’s existence. You make up Your Word’s existence. You make up my existence. You decide who lives and who dies. You make up my existence. It is Your creation who needs You in order to exist.
Self-Sufficient – You do not need any of Your creation to bring about Your will or Your purpose. You choose to use a man and a wife and marriage and divorce and kidnappings and leprosy and loans’ and pledges’ and the harvest and Your WORD and me because it is Your good pleasure, not Your need, that governs Your choice.
Infinite – There are no limits or bounds to Your person or dominion. You can do anything You want. You know everything and can go everywhere at any time. You are limitless.
Transcendent – You are apart from Your creation. You teach me about You and Your heavenly throne. You teach me about when a man takes a wife and he has found some indecency in her. You teach me about a man who takes a new wife and he shall not go out with the army for one year. You teach me not to take a handmill or an upper millstone in pledge. You teach me if a man is caught kidnapping then the thief shall dies. You teach me to be careful against leprosy that I diligently observe and do according to all that the Levitical priest shall teach me. You teach me about when I make my neighbor a loan, I shall not enter his house to take his pledge. You teach me not to oppress a hired servant and that everyone shall be put to death, for his own sin. You teach me to not pervert the justice due and when I reap my harvest in my field. You teach me how to take care of others who are poor and needy and the orphan and the widow and the alien, all those who need help. You teach me how to help them.
Sovereign – You are in control. It is You I worship. It is You Israel worships. You lead Israel. You teach them. You make all of these things happen. You are in complete control and You are doing Your foreknown plan!
Holy – You are a morally excellent, perfect being. You separate the evil from Israel and You help those who need help. You separate me by Your truth through Your Son for Your purpose.
Gracious – You show Your people Your favor by helping those who need help and purging the evil from among them. You keep them safe. You protect them.
Merciful – You show Your people Your compassion by not tempting them more than they can handle. You give them help and a way out.
Longsuffering - You are patient with Your people and slow to anger. You teach them what to do.
Righteous – You are always right. You teach the right way. Your commandments are Your way. When the sun goes down I shall surely return the pledge to him, that he may sleep in his cloak and bless me; and it will be righteousness for me before You my God.
Just – You punish the guilty, atone for sin, and reward the righteous who listen to You and observe all of Your commandments.
Loving – You love Your people and You take care of them. You give them what they need even if they don’t know they need it.
Good – You give Your people a part of Yourself. You give Your commandments and teach us how to take care of each other. You teach us how to be gentle.
Wise – Your wisdom causes You to do what You do to give me information about Yourself and Your throne. Your wisdom is higher than my wisdom. Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts.
Truthful - You always speak the truth. You always say what You mean. You Word is all Your truth. Your commandments are reality.
Faithful – You always do what You promise. You are Israel’s God and Israel is Your people. You teach them to by Your people for Your own possession. I shall remember that I was a slave in the land of Egypt; therefore, Moses/Jesus/Your Word/You are commanding me to do this thing.
Wrathful - You destroy all unrighteousness. You purge the evil from among Israel.
Jealous – You will not share Israel, who are rightly and morally Yours with any other creature.
Incomprehensible – Why is marriage the indecency in the woman? Why is it that it happens that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some indecency in her? Why does he write her a certificate of divorce and put it in her hand and sends her out from his house? What about him? What about his indecency? Is he so perfect? What about the hardness of his heart? Why is verses 2,3, and 4 in Your Word? What does it mean? Why would he want to take her back? Has not the wife already been defiled by the first husband? What is ‘that’? ‘for that is an abomination before You…’? ‘I have been defiled My LORD. Does that mean I can never Have another husband My LORD? Am I an abomination before You My LORD?
Why are all of these verses in the chapter? What does a handmill or an upper millstone in pledge have to do with marriage? What does a kidnapping have to do with an infection of leprosy? What does making me neighbor a loan have to do with not oppressing a hired servant? Is it Your gentleness? Is it how You take care of Your people and how You want us to take care of each other? What am I supposed to do?