Omniscient – You know everything. You know the priests and the elders did not shed this blood, nor did their yes see it. You know who is guilty. You know who did it. You know what You are doing. You know what this chapter means. You know me. You know my heart and my mind. You are all-knowing.
Omnipotent- You can do anything. You can kill anyone You want to. You make these different people and these conditions exist. You make it happen. You make me understand if You just wanted to. You are all-powerful.
Omnipresent – You are everywhere. You are in the land and in the cities. You are down in a valley. You are in the midst of Israel. You are in Your WORD. You are here with me. You are in my heart and in my mind. You are all-present.
Eternal – You are the cause of time. You are the past and the future and in the day. You are 3,000 years ago and today. You are forever and ever. You are time.
Immutable – You do not change. Israel (I?) shall remove the guilt of innocent blood from their (my) midst. Israel (I) shall remove the evil from their (my) mist. Israel (I) shall remove the evil from their (my) midst. Israel (I) shall remove the evil from their (my) midst. I must not defile my land which Jehovah My God gives me as an inheritance. You will never be made to change. You will never be made to change.
Self – Existent – You exist by Yourself. You do not need any of Your creation to exist. You make the slain person to exist. You make up the elders’ and the judges’ and the priests’ existence. You make up the captives’ existence and the beautiful woman’s existence. You make up a man’s existence. You make up Your Word’s existence. You make up my existence. You decide who lives and who dies. You make up my existence. It is Your creation who needs You in order to exist.
Self-Sufficient – You do not need any of Your creation to bring about Your will or Your purpose. You choose to use the slain person, the innocent blood, elders, judges, priests, captives, the beautiful women, a man with two wives, a man who has a stubborn and rebellion son, a man who has committed a sin worthy of death, Jesus, Your WORD, Satan and me because it is Your good pleasure, not Your need, that governs Your choice.
Infinite – There are no limits or bounds to Your person or dominion. You know everything and can do anything and be everywhere. You are absolutely Just. You are limitless.
Transcendent – You are apart from Your creation. You teach me about bloodguiltiness and how I may be forgiven. You teach me when I go to battle and there is a beautiful woman among the captives. You teach me about a man with two wives, a loved wife and an unloved wife. You teach me any man with a stubborn and rebellious son to stone him to death. You teach me a man who has committed a sin worthy of death to hang him on a tree. You teach me You are a jealous God. You are jealous of the guilt of innocent blood. A man takes a wife from the captives. A man has two wives, the one loved and the other unloved. Israel shall remove the evil from their mist, and all shall hear of it and fear. A corpse shall not ahng all night on the tree, so that Israel or I do not defile their (my) land which You My God gives them (me?) as an inheritance. You will not share with any other creature.
Sovereign – You are jealous. It is You Israel worships. It is You I worship. You cause all of this to happen for a reason. You teach me about Yourself and Your heavenly throne. You teach me teaching me about Your sons Jesus and Satan and Your ways. You are in complete control and You are doing Your foreknown plan!
Holy – You are a morally excellent, perfect being. You separate the good and the evil. You separate the guilty and the innocent. You separate Your sons for Your purpose. You separate me by Your truth through Your Son for Your Purpose.
Gracious – You show Your people Your favor by forgiving them the bloodguiltiness and giving them land and cleansing them.
Merciful – You show Your people Your compassion by giving Isrel and me a way out to be forgiven and to be righteous in Your sight. You give us a way to remove evil from my midst and all Israel, Your Chosen, shall hear of it and fear.
Longsuffering - You are patient with Your people and slow to anger. You keep teaching me what I need to know and do not let me go because I am stupid and ignorant and ugly.
Righteous – You are always right. You teach me the right way. I shall remove the guilt of innocent blood from my midst, when I do what is right in the eyes of You.
Just – You punish the guilty who shed blood or is rebellious and stubborn, atone for sin through a heifer’s blood, and You reward the righteous who listens to You.
Loving – You love Your people and take care of them. You give them what they need even if they do not know they need it. You make sure they are not mistreated or left out of an inheritance.
Good – You give Your people a part of Yourself. You forgive their bloodguiltiness. You shall remove the evil from their midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear. You cleanse Your people and Your land.
Wise – Your wisdom causes You to do the things You do. You have the elders and the judges and the priests atone for the bloodguiltiness. You have the people do what You command rather than doing it Yourself in order to teach them. Your wisdom is higher than my wisdom. Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts.
Truthful - You always speak the truth. Your Word only speaks Your truth. You are a jealous God and that is reality. It is only truth.
Faithful – You always do what You promise. You teach them what You want in order for them to be Your people. You are their God and they are Your possession.
Wrathful - You destroy all unrighteousness. You destroy the bloodguilty, the captive, the man who does not treat women right, the stubborn and rebellious son and the man who has committed a sin worthy of death.
Jealous – You will not share Your people who are rightly and morally Yours with any other creature. You do not like bloodguiltiness or those things that make You wrathful.
Incomprehensible – The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground. You can hear the voice of a slain man’s blood crying to You from the ground. Don’t You know who did it? What about in times of war? What am I missing? Why do I not understand? What is wrong with me?
You say “’Forgive Thy people Israel who Thou hast redeemed, O LORD, and do not place the guilt of innocent blood in the midst of Thy people Israel.’ And the bloodguitiness shall be forgiven them.” Is that JUST My LORD? What is it? What about the person who did it?
How do I remove the guilt of innocent blood from my midst? Do I have guilt of innocent blood? Do people who come to my door searching for souls to go to church have bloodguiltiness? What is right in Your eyes? What do You want me to do?
Why does Israel take captives of some but not of others? Why does it say a beautiful woman of the captives and have a desire for her and would take her as a wife? Wouldn’t she teach Israel to do according to all their dateable things which she has done for her gods? Why is this different?
What about the firstborn of the unloved wife? Is Satan Your firstborn? But he sold his birthright to Jesus for one meal? Is that true? Leah was unloved by Jacob but she had the firstborn son – Rueben. Esau had the firstborn birthright but he sold it to Jacob for one meal.
If a man ahs a stubborn and rebellious son, isn’t that due to the son’s age? Isn’t’ there any hope for the son at all? Why is he stoned to death? What hope is there? Why do You say to stone people to death? What a horrible way to die. “Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear.” People die by the electric chair and do not fear.
Why would the evil be afraid of being stoned to death? Laws are only for those who will follow them. Why is stoning someone to death a punishment for them?
If a man has committed a sin worthy of death, and he is put to death, and you hang him on a tree – My LORD, did You set Jesus up? Isn’t murder defiling the land? Isn’t stoning someone to death and hanging someone murder? Isn’t the commandment Thou shallt not murder? Why is this different?
· Those who are stoned to death are
o Who gives any of his offspring to Molech
o Who is a medium or a spiritist
o Who has cursed his God
o Who blasphemes the name of the LORD
o If a man takes the life of any human being
o A man gathering wood on the Sabbath day
o You shall do to him just as he intended to do to his brother.
Then all of Israel will hear and be afraid, and will never again do such a wicked thing among you. How does this relate to me? I would be put in prison or put to death for murder.