Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Deuteronomy Chapter 7

Deuteronomy Chapter 7

Omniscient – You know everything.  You know what You are saying.  You know what this means.  You know me,    You know my heart.  You know Moses & Jesus & Your Word.  You know the past and the future.  You are all-knowing.

Omnipotent- You can do anything.  You brought (?) me out by a mighty hand, and redeemed me from the house of slavery, from Stan (?), from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.  You will clear away these nations before me little by little.  You make me understand if You just wanted to.  You are all-powerful.

Omnipresent – You are everywhere.  You are here with me. You are in Your WORD.  You are in my heart.  You are all-present.

Eternal – You are the cause of time.  You are today.  You are now.  You are generations and forever and ever.  You are time.

Immutable – You do not change.  You shall do to all the peoples of who I am afraid.  You will deliver their kings into my hands so that I (?) shall make their name perish from under heaven.  You will never be made to change.

Self – Existent – You exist by Yourself.  You will exist even when Israel does not.  It is Your creation that needs You in order to exist.  You choose.  You decide.  You decide who lives and who dies.  You make up my existence.

Self-Sufficient – You do not need any of Your creation to bring about Your will or Your purpose.  You choose to use Moses and Your testimonies, statutes, and judgments, and Your commandments and me because it is Your good pleasure, not Your need, that governs Your choice.

Infinite – There are no limits or bounds to Your person or dominion.  There are no limits to the thousandth generation of those who love You and keep Your commandments.  There are no bounds to my forefathers.  You know them but I do not.  You are limitless.

Transcendent – You are apart from Your creation.  You teach me about Yourself and Your heavenly throne.  You teach me about seven nations greater and stronger than me.  When You my God deliver them before me, and I will defeat them?, then I will utterly destroy them?  What does this mean?  I am a holy person to You my God.  You love me and are keeping the oath which You swore to my forefathers, You brought (or are You bringing?) me out by a mighty hand, and redeemed me from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.  Do I listen to these judgments and keep and do them?  How do I not be afraid of them or dread them?  How do I burn their graven images?  How do I do all that You command me?  How do I remember them all?

Sovereign – You are Jehovah My God.  You lead me.  I am holy because You separate me.  You choose me to be a people for Your own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.  You are God, the faithful Go0d.  You are in complete control and You are doing Your foreknown plan!


Holy – You are a morally excellent, perfect being.  You separate Israel through Your commandments and statutes and judgments.  You separate me through Your Son for Your purpose.

Gracious – You show Your favor by giving them and me Your commandment and statutes and judgments.  You tell me what You like and what You don’t like.

Merciful – You show Your compassion by telling me beforehand and leading me and waiting for me to catch up.  You are patient and formable, strong and mighty.

Righteous – You are always right.  You teach me the right way.  Your commandments and statutes and judgments are Your Right Way.

Longsuffering - You are patient with Your people and slow to anger.  You wait for me to catch up.  I am trying.

Just – You punish the unrighteous, atone for sin, and reward the righteous of those who listen to You.

Truthful - You always speak the truth.  What is the truth?  Is this more of Covenant 6?  Is this what You speak, or what Moses speaks?  Your commandments and statutes and judgments are reality.

Faithful – You always do what You promise.  I know that You are my God.  You are God.  You keep Your covenant and Your lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love You and keep Your commandments; but repays those who hate You to their faces, to destroy them; You will not delay with him who hates You, You will repay him to his face.  You promise to those who love You AND to those who hate You.

Wrathful - You destroy all unrighteousness.  You destroy those who hate You.  You send the hornet against them (the peoples of whom I am afraid) until those who are left and hide themselves from me perish.  You are a great and awesome God.  You throw them into great confusion until they are destroyed.

Jealous – You will not share You people who are rightly and morally Yours with any other creature.  The graven images of their gods will be burned with fire; I shall not covet the silver or the gold that is on them and I shall not bring an abomination into my house.  Anything devoted to destruction is most holy to You.

Loving – You love Your people and You take care of them.  You provide everything they need for them.  You love me and bless me and multiply me.  You will also bless the fruit of my womb and the fruit of my ground, my grain, and my new wine and my oil, the increase of my herd and the young of my flock, in the land which You swore to my forefathers to give me.

Good – You give me a part of Yourself.  You give me Your testimonies and statutes and judgments.  You give me Your commandments and Your covenant, You are my God.

Wise –You to do the things You do to teach me about You.  Your wisdom is higher than my wisdom.  Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts.


Incomprehensible – Why are You doing all of this?  You know the future.  You know what will happen.  I won’t remember.  I do not understand.  I am tired and the journey is hot and long.  How do I know everything You say?  How do I do all of them? 

        Satan and his demons are holy.  Anything devoted to destruction is most holy to You.  What about me?  Am I holy?  Is it good holy or devoted to destruction holy?  How do I know the difference?  What does this mean?  What am I supposed to know?  What am I supposed to do?

        Is Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 both Your covenant with Israel?  Is it all what You promise or what Moses said?  How does Israel listen to a man?  How do I know what is truth?  I know in my heart that none of Your Word lies.  It is all Your truth.  However, how does a person know that another man know You and speaks Your truth and that I should listen to him?  Because You command me?  I must have a horrible heart condition.

        I do know that You are my God, You are god, the faithful God but am I faithful?  What do I know?  What is in my heart?  I am afraid My LORD.

        “Ask a sign for yourself from the LORD your God; make it deep as Sheol or high as heaven.”  2 Kin 19:29; Is 37:30; 38:7, 8; 55:13

        I am asking My LORD.  I am seeking.  I am knowing.  I am knocking.  I am trying.  You have said, “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.”  JESUS says that.  Your WORD says that.  But don’t You say that also?  And Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, if you have faith, and do not doubt, you shall not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it shall happen.  And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.”  Faith starts from within me.  Faith in myself is much more difficult than faith in You.  How do I change my heart and my mind?  How do I have faith?  How do I believe?

        When will it be granted to me?  Will You change my heart and my mind and my soul?

        Why do You test me when You know I will eventually fail?  You tested Moses and Israel who all eventually failed You.  How do I not fail?  Please give me wisdom My Lord.  Please give me wisdom.  You are Omnipotent and Mighty and Great.  You are a great and awesome God.  Am I NOT worshiping You?  Doesn’t that require faith that YOU ARE?

·      The testing of my faith produces endurance.  1 Pet 1:7; Heb 6:12; Luke 21:19



You know what amazes me about You My LORD?  You have so much faith in Yourself.  You know You will create the trees and the mountains and the birds have their song.  You know You CAN do all that You have said.  You know You are God and that You are Omnipotent.  You say it and You know You can do it.  Then You extend Your faith in Yourself to Your faith in me.  Don’t You know I am the weak link.  I know You CAN.  AND I know I can’t.

        How does a hummingbird know they can fly?  I can’t fly.  How do You know that You can create Your mountains and Your heavens?  I don’t even know HOW You do that.  Your faith in Yourself is beyond my imagination.

        How do I not be bound with unbelievers? Nations mightier than me  How do I come out from their midst and be separate?  How do I not touch what is unclean?  How do I cleanse myself from al defilement of flesh and spirit?  How do I perfect holiness in the fear of You My LORD?  How do I do what I am supposed to do?  What do I do My LORD?

        How do I not think my thoughts or say what I speak?  How do I not do what I am not supposed to do?  How do I change?  What is wrong with me?

·      Deut 22:10; 1 Cor 5:9; 1 Cor 6:6; Eph 5:7, 11; 1 John 1:6

·      1 Cor 10:21; Acts 5:14; 1 Pet 1:21; 1 Cor 6:6

·      1 Cor 3:16; 6:19; Mat 16:16

·      Is 52:11; Rev 18:4

·      Heb 6:9; 1 Pet 1:15


What does the nations and “You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together,” related to each other?

I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people.  Who do I have My LORD?  I feel so alone.

How do I know of what You speak?  How do I do what You command?  How do I walk in the light?  Who do I have fellowship with?

How do I get rid of the demons?  How do I go to war?  How do I not partake of the table of demons?  How do I partake with the table of the LORD?  How do I please You My LORD?

·      What is an unbeliever My LORD?  2 Cor 6:14; 1 Tim 5:8

·      Now God has not only raised the LORD, but will also raise us up through His power.

·      The seven nations are the Hittites and the Girgashites, and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and stronger than me – who

·      What – I shall defeat them then I shall utterly destroy them.  I shall make no covenant with them and show no favor to them.

·      Why – because they will turn your sons away from following You to serve other gods.  Because I am a holy people to You My God

·      How – know therefore that You My God, You are God, the faithful God

·      When – You My God will clear away these nations before me little by little

Deuteronomy Chapter 8

Deuteronomy Chapter 6

Deuteronomy Chapter 6