Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Deuteronomy Chapter 22

Omniscient – You know everything.  You know animals will stray way.  You know I am my brother’s keeper.  You know we will kill a bird for food and take her eggs.  You know we will build a house and someone will fall off of it.  You know why to keep the same kind together.  You know why we need tassels on our garments.  You know a man will be cruel to a woman whether as his wife or another man’s wife or a virgin who is engaged or a virgin who is not engaged.  You know a man will take his father’s wife.  You know me.  You know my heart and my mind.  You are all-knowing.

Omnipotent- You can do anything.  You can purge the evil from Israel.  You judge.  You put into their hearts.  You know what man will do even before they do it.  You have them do it.  You make me understand if You just wanted to.  You are all-powerful.

Omnipresent – You are everywhere.  You are in the city and in the field.  You are in the midst of Israel.  You are in Your Word.  You are here with me. You are in my heart and in my mind.  You are in Your WORD.  You are all-present.

Eternal – You are the cause of time.  You are when.  You are all the days of a man’s life.  You are now and forever and ever.  You are time.

Immutable – You do not change.  The elders of that city shall take the man and chastise him.  There is no sin in the girl worthy of death, for just as a man rises against his neighbor and murders, so is this case.  A man shall not take his father’s wife so that he shall not uncover his father’s skirt.  You will never be made to change.

Self – Existent – You exist by Yourself.  You do not need any of Your creation in order to exist.  You choose.  You decide.  You make up the ox and the sheep that strays away.  You make a woman and a man’s existence.  You make up a bird and her eggs’ existence.  You make up vineyards’ and plows’ and material’s existence.  You make up tassels’ existence.  You decide who lives and who dies.  You make up my existence.  It is Your creation who needs You in order to exist.

Self-Sufficient – You do not need any of Your creation to bring about Your will or Your purpose.  You choose to use  ox and sheep and donkey’ s and man and women, and a bird’s nest and vineyard’s and plows and material and a married woman and a virgin who is engaged, and a virgin who is not engaged and Your WORD and me because it is Your good pleasure, not Your need, that governs Your choice.

Infinite – There are no limits or bounds to Your person or dominion.  You are forever and indefinite.  You are limitless.

Transcendent – You are apart from Your creation.  You teach me about You.  You teach me to take care of my countryman’s ox or his sheep straying away.  You teach me to take care of a bird’s nest and the mother and the young.  You teach me to take care to build a new house with a parapet for if anyone falls.  You teach me not to mix seed in my vineyard or not plow an ox or a donkey together or not to wear a material mixed of wool or linen together.  You teach me about tassels.  You teach about a man being kind to his wife.  You teach me that a man found lying with a married woman is evil.  You teach me about a virgin engaged to a man and bout a virgin not engaged.  You teach me to be kind to a father and not a man take his father’s wife so that he shall not uncover his father’s skirt.  How does this apply to me?  What does this teach me about You My LORD?  What am I supposed to do or to learn?  Why do I not understand?

Sovereign – You cause these things to happen.  You know it happens and it will happen.  You know who does these things.  You teach me.  You lead me.  It is You I am worshiping.  You are in complete control and You are doing Your foreknown plan!


Holy – You are a morally excellent, perfect being.  You separate Israel from evil.  You separate me by Your truth through Your son for Your purpose.

Gracious – You show Your favor to Your people by teaching them how to be kind to animals and each other.

Merciful – You show Your compassion to Your people by purging the evil from Israel and that they may hear and fear.

Longsuffering - You are patient with the sons of Israel and slow to anger.  You warn them and teach them.

Just – You punish the guilty, atone for sin, and reward the righteous who listen to You.

Righteous – You are always right.  You teach the right way.  Your kindness is Your way.

Loving – You love Your people. You take care of them and give them what they need.  You purge the evil from among them.

Good – You give Your people a part of Yourself.  You give them Your statutes and Your judgments and Your commandments.

Wise – Your wisdom causes You to do the things You do to give me information about Yourself and Your heavenly throne.  Your wisdom is higher than my wisdom.  Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts.

Truthful - You always speak the truth.  Your Word is all Your truth.  Your statutes are reality.

Faithful – You always do what You promise.  You make Israel Your people and You are their God.  You write Your Words on my heart and in my mind.  You are my God.

Wrathful - You destroy all unrighteousness.  You purge evil from Israel.

Jealous – You will not share Your people who are rightly and morally Yours, with any other creature.


Incomprehensible – I am my brother’s keeper whether my friend or my enemy.  I must take care even if I see the donkey of the one who hates me to restore it back to him.  Do I wear man’s clothing, jeans and a t-shirt?  Why must a woman not wear man’s clothing?  What is an abomination to You My LORD?  Why does clothing matter?

        Why must not I take the mother with the young?  Is it just at the same time?  Why does it matter My LORD?

        What good will a parapet on a new house do if anyone falls from it?  What is a parapet?

        Why does it matter if a vineyard has two kinds of seeds?  What about hybrids?  It is just grapes or is it all seeds?  Why should I not plow it an ox and a donkey together?  Why does it matter?  Why should I not wear a material mixed of wool and linen together?  What does it mean?

        Why do you have tassels to remind them if they use it against You later?  How does this apply to me?  What does this teach me about You?

        Why do You have a wife that a man has turned against her and make her remain his wife that he cannot divorce her all his days?  What about the woman?  He obviously doesn’t love her?  Isn’t that cruel to her?  Why does she have to stay with him?

        Why do You so quickly stone the girl who is not a virgin to death?  What about love My LORD?  Does it matter?  Why is it an act of folly?

        How do I purge the evil from me?  How do I know what is evil?  What is good My LORD?  How do I learn the difference?  How do I not think only evil thoughts all the time?  I am evil, why am I still alive?

        A man’s father’s wife is his mother.  That is disgusting.  How does all of this relate to me?  What does it tell me about You?  What am I supposed to do?

Deuteronomy Chapter 23

Deuteronomy Chapter 21