Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Leviticus Chapter 8

Leviticus Chapter 8

Omniscient – You know everything.    You know what You want Moses to do.  You know what You want.  You know what all of this means.  You know why it is a part of Your Word.  Know know the future.  You know my heart.  You are all-knowing.

Omnipotent- You can do anything. You make the priesthood.  You put it into their hearts to do.  You make Moses to consecrate them and do what You want to be done.  You make it happen.  You have it written down for me.  You are all-powerful.

Omnipresent – You are everywhere.  You are in the midst of Israel and You are in their hearts.  You are here with me and You are in my heart.  You are all-present.

Eternal – You are the cause of time.  You are seven days, a week.  You are the eighth day.  You are 3,000 years ago.  You are today and the future.  You are time.

Immutable – You do not change. Moses will do just as You commanded him.  Moses took some of the anointing oil and some of the blood, which was on the altar, and sprinkled it on Aaron, on his garments, on his sons, and on the garments of his sons with him.  Moses has been commanded.  You will never be made to change.

Self – Existent – You exist by Yourself.  You make up Moses’ existence, Aaron, and his sons’ existence.  You make up Israel’s existence and the priesthood’s existence.  You decide.  You make up my existence.  You choose my existence.

Self-Sufficient – You do not need any of Your creation to bring about Your will or Your purpose.  You do not need Moses, Aaron, or his sons.  You do not need Israel, the priesthood, or Your offerings.  You do not need the tabernacle or garments or the blood of the bull.  You choose to use Your creations because it is Your good pleasure, not Your need, that governs Your choice.

Infinite – There are no limits or bounds to Your person or dominion.  You are forever and ever and throughout generations.  You are here on earth and up in heaven.  You fill my heart and You fill the universe.

Transcendent – You are apart from Your creation.  You teach Moses how to anoint, ordain, and consecrate Your tabernacle and priests to minister to You.  You teach Israel.  You have Your commands written down for me to study and ponder.  You have saved it and protected it for thousands of years.  You are teaching a stupid, simple human Your commands to other humans in another country and time.

Sovereign – You see everything.  You know everything.  You know their hearts.  You know their future.  It is You who commands Moses and it is You Israel worships.  You are holy and it is You who makes everything around You holy.  You are changing me.  It is You I worship.


Holy – You are a morally excellent, perfect being.  You sanctify Your tabernacle and Aaron and his sons for Your purpose.

Gracious – You give Israel Your favor through the tabernacle and priest to minister to You.

Merciful – You show Israel Your compassion by having sympathy for them and helping them. 

Righteous – You are always right and teach us Your right way.

Longsuffering – You are patient with Israel and slow to anger.

Loving – You love Israel and You reveal Yourself to them through Your offerings to You and Your Word.

Good – Your offerings, the tabernacle, Aaron, and his sons teach us the right way and about You.

Wise – Your wisdom causes You to give the tabernacle and the priesthood to do all that You command.

Truthful – You always speak the truth.  Your commands are reality. reality.

Faithful – You do what You promise.  Moses anoints, ordains, and consecrates the tabernacle and all that is in it, Aaron and his sons and all of their garments they are to wear as priests to You.

Just – You punish the guilty, You clear us from being guilty, and reward the righteous.

Wrathful –You will destroy all unrighteousness.

Jealous – You will not share Israel or the priesthood, what is rightly and morally Yours with any other person, nation, or creature.


Incomprehensible – The Full armor of God

Having girded my lions with truth – the sash

the breastplate of righteousness – breastpiece

Shod my feet with preparation of the gospel of peace –

       Shield of faith –

       The helmet of salvation – the turban

       The sword of the Spirit which is the WORD OF GOD

Is Moses putting Your armor on Aaron?

Why do You have Moses slaughter it and not Aaron and his sons themselves?

Is Moses being a god to Aaron?  Why do You do that?  Is Moses above Aaron and his sons then?  Why was Moses not a priest?

In verse 31 who is I?  Why?  Who is speaking?  I am getting confused between You and Moses.

       Horns – horn of my salvation 2 Sam 22:3

My God, my Rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge; my savior, You do save me from violence.

Luke 1:69 – And has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of David His servant – Your servant Jesus Christ?

Leviticus Chapter 9

Leviticus Chapter 7

Leviticus Chapter 7