Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Hosea 8:9


Dear Jehovah God,

       For Israel has gone up to Assyria, like a wild donkey all alone; Ephraim has hired lovers.

       So Ephraim has become like a silly dove, without sense; they call to Egypt, they go to Assyria.

       “They will come trembling like birds from Egypt, and like doves from the land of Assyria; and I will settle them in their houses,” declares Jehovah.

       I am sorry for going up to Assyria and be like a wild donkey all alone.  I am sorry for hiring lovers.  I am sorry that I have become like a silly dove, without sense.  I am sorry that I call to Egypt and go to Assyria.  I come trembling like a bird from Egypt and like a dove from the land of Assyria.  I know You settled me in my house.  I am sorry.

       Your people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.  Because I rejected knowledge, You also will reject me from being Your priest.  Since I have forgotten the law of my God, You also will forget my children.

       Harlotry, wine, and new wine take away the understanding.

       You will not punish my daughters when we play the harlot or our brides when we commit adultery, for the men themselves go apart with harlots and offer sacrifices with temple prostitutes; so the people without understanding are ruined.

       Our deeds will not allow us to return to our God.  For a spirit of harlotry is within us, and we do not know Jehovah.

       As for Your spiritual gifts, we sacrifice the flesh and eat it, but Jehovah has taken no delight in them.  Now You will remember our iniquity, and punish us for our sins; we will return to Egypt.

       We will not remain in Jehovah’s land, but Ephraim will return to Egypt, and in Assyria we will eat unclean food.

       For behold, we will go because of destruction; Egypt will gather us up, Memphis will bury us.  Weeds will take over our treasures of silver; thorns will be in our tents.

       I know I am destroyed for lack of knowledge.  I know that because I have rejected knowledge, You reject me from being Your priest.  Since I forget the law of You, You forget my child.  I know I have no understanding.  I am sorry.  How do I receive understanding?  I am a harlot.  I commit adultery.  I myself offer sacrifices as a temple prostitute.

       I know my deeds will not allow me to return to You.  I know a spirit of harlotry is within me, and I do not know You.  I am sorry.  I am guilty.  I feel guilty.  I want to change.  How do I turn around?

       I am sorry about Your sacrificial gifts, that I sacrifice the flesh and eat it, but You do not delight in me.  I know You remember my iniquity, and punish me for my sins.  And I deserve it.  I know it and believe it.  I do not want to return to Egypt.  Please do not make me return to Egypt.  Please let me remain in Your land.  Do not make me eat unclean food.  Please do not make me go up because of destruction.  Protect me from being gathered up by Egypt or buried by Memphis.  Please do not let weeds take over my treasures of silver or let thorns in my tents.  Protect me and keep me safe.  Thank you, Jehovah my God.  Amen, Amen, & Amen.

Hosea 8:10

Hosea 8:8