Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Leviticus Chapter 20

Omniscient – You know everything.  You know Moses.  You know what to speak to him.  You know what to have him say to the sons of Israel.  You know his heart.  You know Israel’s heart.  You know me.  You know my heart.  You know how to teach me.  You know how to put Your laws upon my heart and upon my mind.  You will write them.  You know what You are going to do and how You are going to do it.

Omnipotent- You can do anything.  You have Moses speak the sons of Israel for You.  You have him to a copy of Your heavenly things.  You have Jesus, Your Son, Your Word, speak to me for You.  Your Holy Spirit helps me to understand.  You will drive out nations before the sons of Israel and before me?  I will possess their land?  You will give it to me to possess it?  You cleanse me with Your Word.  You separate me by Truth.  You have set me apart from the peoples to be Yours.  Am I blaspheming against You?  Am I being arrogant in thinking this way?  You are all-powerful.

Omnipresent – You are everywhere.  You are in the midst of the people of the land.  You are in the land You are bringing me.  You are in the land flowing with milk and honey.  You are with me.  You are in my heart and in mind.  You are all-present.

Eternal – You are the cause of time.  You are 3,000 years ago.  You are today.  You are forever.  You are time.

Immutable – You do not change.  There will be people to offer their offspring to Molech, so as to defile Your sanctuary and to profane Your holy name.  There will be other people who will not put them to death.  They test You and provoke You and want to make You jealous.  There are people men who sees the nakedness of his sister and she sees his nakedness to be a disgrace. I am to keep all Your statutes and all Your ordinances and do them so that the land to which You are bringing me to live will not spew me out.  You will never be made to change. You will never be made to change.

Self – Existent – You exist by Yourself.  You do not need any of Your creation to exist.  It is Your creation who needs You in order to exist.  You make up Moses’ existence and Your Word’s existence.  You make up my existence.  You choose.  You decide.

Self-Sufficient – You do not need any of Your creation to bring about Your will or Your purpose.  You do not need Moses or Your Word.  You choose to use them and Your ordinances because it is Your good pleasure, not Your need, that governs Your choice.

Infinite – There are no limits or bounds to Your person or dominion.  You are forever and ever and throughout generations.  You keep Your Word for me to read.

Transcendent – You are apart from Your creation.  I am trying to listen.  I am trying to understand and to remember.  I predict this is about me and Your heavenly throne.  Something much bigger than I am.  I am experiencing horrible growing pains.

Sovereign – You give all of Your statutes and Your ordinances.  It is You Israel worships.  It is You I am worshiping.  You give Your standard. You are in complete control and You are doing Your foreknown plan!

Holy – You are a morally excellent, perfect being.  You separate my mind and my heart with Your truth.

Gracious – You give Israel Your favor by bringing them to live in a new land.

Merciful – You show Israel Your compassion by giving them Your ordinances to help them grow in spirituality.

Righteous – You are always right and You teach the right way.

Longsuffering – You are patient with me and slow to anger.  Thank-You for being longsuffering.  Why am I this way?

Just – You punish the unrighteous, cover the guilty, and reward the righteous.

Loving – You love me and want me to be my best.  You want Israel to be their best and to learn about You.

Good – You are Jehovah My God, who has separated me from the peoples.

Wise – Your wisdom causes You to give Your statutes and Your ordinances that we may do them.

Truthful – You always speak the truth.  I am to keep all of Your statutes and all Your ordinances and do them, so that the land to which You are bringing me to live will not spew me out.

Faithful – You always do what You promise.  I am to possess their land, and You Yourself will give it to me to possess it, a land flowing with milk and honey.  You are Jehovah my God, who has separated me from the peoples.

Wrathful – You will destroy all unrighteousness.  You will cut off the unclean and the guilty and the unrighteousness from among their people.

Jealous – You will not share Israel who are rightly and morally Yours with any other creature.


Incomprehensible – You have way more faith in me than I do in myself.  You know me.  You know my heart.  You know the future.  You know everything yet You continue to teach me and guide me and be patient with me and longsuffering toward me.  You give to me exactly what I need knowing me.

Why do You repeat Your commandments?  Are You repeating Your commandments to the priests so that they know they must follow them also?  Priest have higher standards to be good models for all of Israel?  But You have Moses speak to the sons of Israel.  Why do You repeat Yourself?  Is this chapter only about when Your commandments and laws are broken?

How do I do all of these things?  How do I keep ALL of Your statutes and do them?  How do I practice them?  How do I not get frustrated and not quit?

Leviticus Chapter 21

Leviticus Chapter 19